Thomas Wooden Railway Wiki

The Aquarium Set is a set which includes several exclusive items. It comes in a storage bin with a seat.



  • One prototype lacks Duncan, the water tanker, and the hill and features a different box car. It also features a Special Engine Shed instead of a Single Stone Tunnel. This is odd because the Engine Shed is closed on one end, prohibiting through travel. The explanation for the shed's usage is that it was likely there only to represent the concept, as is standard for prototypes.
  • The Aquarium Cars in this set are painted with a lighter shade of blue than the 2004-2010 Aquarium Cars.
  • Illustrations of kelp crates, shrimp and algae barrels, and a mixer can be seen on the Fish Food Factory.
  • Some product images such as the box image features this set with a blue Barrel Car instead of a green one.

